Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Status just before Christmas

I have not made much progress since the last post because of work getting in the way.. However, I have decided that I will be using 3, 4, 5 and 6 mm Stainless Steel tubes. So I have grouped the different sizes found on Schleicher's plans (ranging from 12 to 30mm) and replaced by the corresponding size. This is very approximative, however I have received advice, and read on forums, and it seems like it will be strong enough.

Rendering of the tubes in the current assembly
After adding all the tubes (custom frame objects in Inventor), the image above shows you the result! It's about 1.84m in length and it weighs around 555g as is. Expect a little more when adding the reinforcements for the landing gear, the wooden top, as well as the supporting structure for the wings. I am unsure how much soldering silver I will need, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were near 100g. And of course a lot more weight will come from wooden sections, covering, and electronics... By the way, this fuselage will require at least 22 meters of tubing!
Side view of the fuselage

Top view of the fuselage
Inventor indicates that the center of gravity stands 126mm from the cockpit's aft end tube. I am curious to know how this will change as we go! This will deeply affect the amount of lead in the nose, and the overall mass.

I was tempted to modify the geometry slightly in order to optimize Schleicher's design for a smaller scale, but the more I look at it, the less I feel I need to. Two sections I do not expect to reproduce are the landing gear, and the wing's attachment.

Next up: Making a wing/fuselage junction, refining the landing gear, and ordering the material!

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